Coffee Shops

Nitro Cold Brew
Done Right.

Infuse your cold brew coffee with our nitrogen to create a sweet flavor and cascading, velvety crema.

Reliant BevCarb provides high quality beverage grade Nitrogen and systems to coffee shops
Why Nitro?

Pure nitrogen for a pure, cold brew taste.

When serving coffee on tap, using Nitrogen at low pressure will allow your coffee to remain as it was brewed. Full of flavor and tasing great until the last sip.

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Nitro Solutions

Nitrogen Systems

Our nitrogen systems and services are safe and dependable, allowing our customers to realize more profits by insuring a constant supply of nitrogen, and removing the necessity to track inventory.


On-site Nitrogen Systems

Reliant eliminates the hassle of ordering Nitrogen and changing out high pressure cylinders by automatically refilling your system based upon your usage patterns.

Our compact nitrogen generators are ideal for coffee shops and restaurants serving a small to moderate amount of cold brew each day.

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Wireless Monitoring

You don’t want to run out of nitrogen on a busy Saturday night, and we don’t either. With our new telemetry system, you can rest easy knowing your tank is always full and ready to go!

The device wirelessly transmits the tank level to Reliant via the cellular network, so you never need to worry about placing a reorder, or running out of nitrogen again! Plus, with our Reliant App, you can remotely view your nitrogen tank’s level and receive level notifications from anywhere—right on your smartphone.

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